Putting Brains in Muscles

Towards an Accessible Web-Based Health Education Platform on Neuromuscular Diseases

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

Latest News
Past Society Events
Understanding "Neuromuscular Diseases"

What are Neuromuscular Disorders?


Patient & Family

This educational website provides information on neuromuscular diseases, including disease profiles, diagnostic tests, nursing manuals, etc., to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.


We have established this educational website to enable the public to understand neuromuscular diseases and share their experiences through patients to reduce misunderstandings, promote the equality and inclusive community.

Healthcare & Academics

We promote public education on neuromuscular diseases and the advancement of medical professionals. We organize different medical conferences to serve as a platform for an exchange of knowledge.

About Us

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases Limited was established on March 25, 2015, to promote the development of medical professionals and public education on neuromuscular diseases to pay attention to the health of this particular patient group in Hong Kong. We operate in a non-profit manner. Our board members come from different medical specialties related to neuromuscular diseases, including the doctor of Children’s brain neurology, pathologists and more.




「罕罕」而談 我有兩個罕病


共同命運? 從接受到奇蹟


幸與不幸 由我來決定


Medical & Academic